Children’s Ministries
What’s Up in Children’s Ministries…
Join Rev. Shannon Sullivan for “Time with the Children” every Sunday during our 10am worship service!

We will be having Children’s Church on the first Sunday of each month. This will mean the order of worship on the first Sunday will be a bit different to give kids more time to explore the stories and still come back for communion. We welcome kids to stay in worship the whole time if families are more comfortable, but this is an option too!
The nursery is also open but unstaffed. Families are welcome to use the nursery at any time throughout the service if they need to stretch their legs, and they are welcome to borrow toys from the nursery and use them in the sanctuary during the service (the quieter ones please). On the Sundays we have two unrelated, background-checked volunteers, grown-ups may leave their kids in the nursery with the volunteers; otherwise please stay in the nursery with your child! We welcome fidgety and talkative kids (and grown-ups!) in worship, but we know sometimes families want other options as well.