LEADERSHIP STAFF * click on pictures for full bios
Rev. Shannon Sullivan
Senior Pastor
Pastor Shannon is a life-long United Methodist and second generation clergywoman. She experienced the love of God through Sunday school teachers, in Vacation Bible School, and on mission trips to Bosnia and Herzegovina as a teenager. She took over teaching parts of VBS as a middle schooler, and her mom said she knew she had a call to ministry then but she didn’t! Pastor Shannon went to college thinking she would become a missionary, that would serve God in some way working for social justice or in caring or teaching ministries. She wanted a job like her mom’s, but she never wanted to be a pastor! Pastor Shannon had her first faith crisis in college when life did not go as planned, and emerging from that hurt is when she first heard her call to ministry.

Rev. John Morrill
Minister of Pastoral Care
John Morrill graduated from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pa and attended the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia graduating in 1972. He was ordained into the ministry in 1972 and served several congregations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. John has also served as a Hospice Chaplain with two hospices… Carroll Hospice in Westminster, Maryland and AseraCare Hospice in York, Pennsylvania. He serves as a Funeral Celebrant for Myers Durboraw Funeral Home in Westminster. A Funeral Celebrant assists families without any church connections to create a funeral service for their loved ones.
Wendy Huff
Passionate Youth Minister,
Christ follower, mother of three teenagers, singer, dancer,
music fanatic, story teller,
and beach comber
Wendy grew up in the United Methodist Church, quite literally. Her father was a United Methodist minister for 20 years, and her grandfather became a local pastor after he retired from the business world. Wendy enjoyed growing up as a “PK” or preacher’s kid. Mischief aside, she found that growing up in the ministry provided her an opportunity to meet many new people and to build relationships in faith communities throughout the Baltimore Washington Conference.
Heather Spiker Throckmorton
Director of Program Ministries
Since 2001, Heather has served to grow acorns into oaks at Trinity Church. In her multifaceted role, she is responsible for equipping those people and programs that expand our abilities to worship, connect, study, serve and witness. She leads efforts in Adult Christian Education, Women’s Ministry, Stephen Ministry and emerging ministries.
Jenna Cintron
Administrative Assistant
Jenna was born in south Florida. She was home-schooled along with her older brother and two younger sisters. Her family moved to California during middle school and then moved to Maryland during high school. She attended Flagler College in St. Augustine Florida, majoring in Psychology. She met her husband in Orlando Florida. They have two beautiful boys ages 2 and 4. Jenna enjoys worshiping God in her faith community, El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick, and serving the Lord. She loves being outdoors, and walking trails with her boys.