Trinity United Methodist Church Past Events
March 12, 2022
Potato Drop
Despite the snowy Spring day, the Potato drop was a success! Thank you to all the volunteers who came out Friday and Saturday to assist with this enormous effort of distributing over 40,000lbs of potatoes to feed families in Frederick. Praise be to God!

February 13, 2022
Valentine’s Candy for Healthcare Workers
Thank you for the volunteers who came to Trinity UMC on Thursday, February 10 to help pack the candy bags for healthcare workers. Pastor Shannon was able to deliver 86 candy bags!! Happy Valentine’s day!

February 6, 2022
Disability Awareness Sunday
Click the link below to view this wonderful message by Kevin Welker
If you would like some additional resources about Disability Awareness, click on the link below

December 24, 2021
Christmas Eve Worship
To all of the volunteers, in front of and behind the scenes, biggest gratitude for all of your hard work, dedication, and time that was put into making these services possible. What a blessing to be able to have these three services on Christmas Eve, together in person and online! Thank you to Pastor Mark and Pastor John, as they continue to step in while Pastor Shannon is taking time with her family. We are grateful to be able to have you both during this time, taking wonderful care of the congregation at TUMC. Many thanks simply isn’t enough, and we are blessed to have the Pastors and many volunteers continue to dedicate their God given skills to Trinity UMC.
Thank you, God bless, and be well!
-Church Staff
3:30pm Lessons & Carols

5:30pm & 8pm Live Nativity

November 11, 2021
Honoring our Veterans

September 15, 2021
COVID-19 Forum with…

Dr. Rachel Mandel