Check out how the “hands and feet of Jesus” are in action with the Mission’s team!
Operation Christmas Child
National Collection Week
Bring your gift-filled shoeboxes!!!

Fifth Sunday Collections
The Mission Ministry Team is continuing fifth Sunday collections! Any month for which there are five Sundays, a special offering will be collected to support local community projects and National disaster recovery projects. These monies will enhance our ability to serve and meet the needs of many in our community and those in states which have been affected by
The last Fifth Sunday of 2023 is December 31. Your support is greatly appreciated, but please keep in mind that these offerings will be in addition to your regular church givings, and not in place of them.
Holiday Hope Tree | November 12-December 3
With your help, the Missions Team provides tidings of joy with Christmas gifts to residents and clients of Community Living each year with the Holiday Hope Tree. The tree will be up and ready on Sunday, November 12. We need your support to make this a Merry Christmas for these people!
Participating in the Holiday Hope Tree program is easy:
- Select an ornament from the tree and complete the sign-up sheet located next to the tree.
- Purchase the gift, wrap it & tape the ornament to the outside of the gift.
- Place it under the tree in the Narthex NO LATER than Sunday, DEC. 3.
You can also help make this year a holiday of hope and joy for the residents by your participation at the Community Living Christmas Party here at Trinity on Sunday, December 10 where the gifts will be distributed.
Operation Christmas Child Packing and Processing Center
Boone, NC December 2021
Trinity sent a team of eight people to Marion, SC, May 5-12, 2018 to help victims of hurricane Florence rebuild their homes and lives. The dear lady we helped needed a new roof on her home as well as ceiling and floor repairs inside. Although her home was repaired and she was extremely grateful, the team came home feeling even more blessed. God’s “hands and feet” were working the entire week.